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Earn by testing various services $50 daily


Earn by testing various services $50 daily in Parhamnft.

Earn by testing various services $50 daily:

The average payment for one test is about $10.

Links to sites:


Smm Kingdom

1. Follow the link and register:


2. Next, we confirm our mail, through the link in the letter.

3. As soon as you confirm the mail, you will be transferred to the form for filling out personal data:

4. Next, you will need to take a test, we advise you to watch this video, it tells about it in detail.

5. After all these actions, we are waiting for a request to take the test and get $10. The withdrawal occurs only on PayPal.

How can I join Tester Work?

You can register by going to this page. From there simply follow these steps to become a tester on our platform:

1. Fill in your personal details, testing experience and the device(s) you can use to test.

2. Take an online assessment which will help us assess your QA skills and English proficiency (you have two attempts to pass the test).

Registration and onboarding

How can I join Tester Work?

You can register by going to this page. From there simply follow these steps to become a tester on our platform:

1. Fill in your personal details, testing experience and the device(s) you can use to test.

2. Take an online assessment which will help us assess your QA skills and English proficiency (you have two attempts to pass the test).

What does the onboarding process look like?

Our onboarding process is split into 2 parts: registration and online assessment.

1. The registration has three steps which you will follow right after you have signed up: account settings (personal details), testing settings (experience, availability, language) and the hardware & software you can use to test.

2. Online assessment: this will test your knowledge and understanding of QA testing as well as your quality of written English.

Assessment advice:

Before you start answering questions, you will be presented with the notions page. We advise you read the page thoroughly since this will help you answer the assessment questions.

If you have passed the first assessment, you will become one of our verified testers and your details will be added to our database. If you have failed the first assessment, you will be given another chance to complete a follow-up assessment.

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